
Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo has been working in Spain since 1987. We currently employ 740 people who work at our headquarters in L'Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona) and in our delegations in Madrid, Andalusia, Valencia, Galicia, Asturias, Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha.

It has 5,450 containers for the collection of used clothing thanks to the partnerships with 1,000 municipalities and institutions and private companies

It has 54 shops that sell secondhand clothing: 30 in Madrid, 22 in Barcelona, 1 in Seville and 1 in Granada.

More information about the board of directors


The governing body is the Board:

  • President: Ulla Carina Bolin, an expert in retail and reused textile organizations' management in several countries.
  • Vice-President: Joana María Badell, ex-mayor of Begues (Barcelona).
  • Board member: Helle Nielsen, teacher specialized in the education of young people with difficulties and with experience in retail and preparation for reuse in various European countries.
  • Board member: Jose David Pardo, specialist in international solidarity, with extensive field experience, mainly in Mozambique. 
  • Treasurer: Karin Wallin, expert in retail and preparation for reuse in various European countries.

From left to right, Ulla Carina Bollin, Helle Nielsen, Joana Badell and José David Pardo.
