24 years of reaching 24.8 million people with HIV prevention in Africa and Asia


For the past 24 years, Humana People to People has reached 24.8 million people with HIV prevention, access to testing, referral to treating including quality care and support. We are participating and making presentations at the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024 Conference) in Munich, Germany. The 25th International AIDS Conference to take place between 22 – 26 July, is being held under the theme: Putting People First.

We align with the AIDS 2024 Conference theme’s call to center HIV response on the people. For the past two decades, Total Control of the Epidemic, an HIV prevention programme from Humana People to People has engaged people to take control against the spread of the HIV epidemic under the motto: “Only the people can liberate themselves from HIV”.

At the AIDS 2024 Conference, we will make five presentations. The presentations are all based on factual data driven findings from HIV and TB programmes being implemented in southern Africa - Angola, Botswana, Congo, D.R., Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia. Our major focus is on the success, innovativeness, transformation and people-centeredness responses that deliver high impact.

Preliminary, reports findings from the latest UNAIDS report to be launched on 22 July at the AIDS 2024 Conference shows that ending AIDS as a public health threat is achievable by 2030 but that success is being threatened by pushes to reduce funding and to restrict human rights. Taking the wrong path, by limiting resourcing or clamping down on human rights, would lead the pandemic to continue to grow, costing millions more lives and undermining global health security.

In Humana People to People, we focus on the people and not the disease as we equip individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools to take control of their own health. We engage community-based, people-centred and targeted approaches with the goal of protecting people’s lives against HIV, promoting healthy communities, supporting the vulnerable and saving lives.

Our member, DAPP Zambia’s TCE programme has shown that targeted community-based HIV testing approaches are effective in finding people who are unaware of their HIV+ status. The index testing approach initiates and pursues contact tracing of known HIV-positive cases for possible HIV infection: spouse, sexual partners and biological children. DAPP Zambia has achieved an HIV-positivity yield of 24% for persons who received Index Case Testing in communities of Eastern Province of Zambia in the year 2023 alone.

You can find more about our participation at the AIDS 2024 conference at our website humana.org.

Supporting girls and young women to avoid HIV infection in Malawi video

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