New International Volunteer Program


Humana promotes this new International Volunteer Program together with One World Center (OWC), an entity based in Denmark, with which the Foundation has been working for several years.

The program consists of 10 months: the first three months take place at the OWI center in Lindersvoldve, Denmark; the next six months in one of the African countries in which Humana's local partners work, with special attention to Malawi and Mozambique; The last four weeks, until completing the program, are developed again in Europe, in order to carry out awareness and communication actions.

Creative people and open to new experiences

The program is aimed preferentially at young people between 22 and 36 years old, although there is no age limit. The only requirements are: to be a person with sensitivity for issues of international cooperation to development and the environment, to be independent, autonomous, creative, open to new experiences, eager to face new challenges and with a great capacity to adapt to the conditions of the ground in which cooperation programs are carried out. In addition, it is necessary to have an average level of English, given that the training in Denmark takes place in this language.

The work in the field revolves around four major fields of action:

  • Education
  • Farming
  • Community development
  • Prevention of diseases such as HIV / AIDS

The Foundation and its partners consider that the presence of international volunteers and their active participation in the implemented development actions contribute fully to the fight against poverty deployed.

The aim is for volunteers to contribute new points of view and skills that contribute to the progress of the communities of the South in which they are integrated during their six months of stay. Likewise, the program aims for volunteers, on their return to Europe, to become activists who contribute to spreading the importance of sustainable development, based on the knowledge and experience acquired in the field.

Program cost

The cost of the program is 2,700 euros: includes training, accommodation and meals in Denmark, round trip to Africa from this country, accommodation and maintenance in the field, as well as insurance, vaccinations, corresponding visas and a personal allowance during the stay in land for small expenses. Does not include travel between Spain and Lindersvoldve, Denmark. The program is aimed at people living in Spain and Portugal.

In 2019 three groups of volunteers will depart: January, May and September

If you are interested, please send an email to

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