Humana promotes 'Fundaciones por el Clima' Pact, together with more 40 entities


Humana is one of the more than 40 Spanish entities promoting the Foundations for Climate Pact, which was presented today. It is a commitment of the foundational sector in the face of the climate emergency and social justice.

The document of the pact is the result of months of meetings, debates and sharing of the different visions of the promoter foundations on how to address the climate emergency in this situation of health crisis. "There is no time to lose and the COVID19 crisis gives us the opportunity to unite to tackle the other great challenge: climate change", in the words of Juan Andrés García, of the Spanish Association of Foundations.

We believe that only by joining forces can we tackle this great challenge of climate change. The coronavirus pandemic shows us that in the face of a crisis the challenge is to unite, share tools, knowledge and experience, so that together we are able to prevent the effects of other crises, such as the one we are addressing now: the climate emergency.

“With this common cause, we call on foundations that want to join this great challenge, to learn together and offer tools with which to face the climate emergency from the most local and small to the most global, and inspire each other to prevent and mitigate its effects, both on the environment and on people, integrating guidelines and initiatives into our day-to-day activities to improve our environment and avoid the inequalities it generates”, say the promoters of the initiative.

Humana and the fight against the consequences of climate change

The protection of the environment is part of the foundational purposes of the organization. And within it, the fight against the consequences of climate change is an essential part of the organization's work:

  • Sustainable textile management: for every kilo of clothing that is reused and is not taken to a treatment center for incineration or final disposal, the emission of 3,169 kg of CO2 is avoided, according to data from the European Commission. Therefore, the 17,573 tons of textiles collected by Humana in 2019 represent 55,689 tons of CO2 no longer emitted, which is equivalent to 21,000 cars that circulate 15,000 km each or 416,095 trees absorbing CO2 for a year.
  • 3C Urban Agriculture Program Cultiviting Climate and Community: since 2014 the Foundation has been developing this program whose vocation is to support those who want to create a community, join a local project and promote organic farming and respect for our environment. For this reason, we train activists in land management skills and in sustainable, high-yielding methods of growing vegetables. All this contributes to mitigating the consequences of climate change
  • International development cooperation programs in which adaptation and mitigation of the consequences of climate change are the key: for this we work on sustainable agriculture techniques, smart-climate agriculture, water resource management, resilience to changing climate conditions and extreme weather events, carbon sequestration, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle and decarbonization. Some examples are the programs that are currently being developed in Laos and China.
  • Digitization of the organization: Humana has been working for several years on digitizing the organization, gradually and in accordance with the available resources and the nature of its activity. This is intended to advance the Foundation's paper consumption reduction strategy and thereby reduce its carbon footprint, in line with other initiatives carried out.
  • Incorporation to the Registry of Carbon Footprint, Compensation and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge MITECO.
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Humana promotes 'Fundaciones por el Clima' Pact, together with more 40 entities-img2
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