Humana at Global Compact Spain networking event


On 9th June the Spanish Global Compact Network, which is part of the Foundation, organized a networking event called 'Zone 17- ODS Chapter 1: Strategic alliances with third sector. Practise the colaborACCIÓN!'.

This event is held to coincide with the Annual Meeting of Members of the Network, held in Madrid at the headquarters of the ICO.

This is the first of a series of networking activities in which the network will attempt to dynamically work around ODS17. In this first activity, attendees will see first hand proposals for strategic collaboration that any of the entities of the third sector partners Global Compact in Spain, including human figure, designed specifically for potential business partners.

In the room where the event takes place, there will be three thematic areas, dedicated to economy, people and environment, respectively. Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo will be one of three players in the space environment. During 10 minutes, the Foundation will present its work for global sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals. The goal is to show how the effective management of the latter part of the life cycle of clothing, with a clear social purpose, promotes circular economy, environmental protection and, ultimately, sustainable development. And, it also is a great opportunity for companies that base their strategy on sustainability and CSR.

Spanish Global Compact Network

ODS zone 17- Chapter 1: Strategic alliances with third sector. Practise the colaborACCIÓN! '

Madrid, June 9, at 13 pm

For more information, please visit


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