Humana opens a new vintage fashion store in Barcelona


Humana today opens a new vintage fashion store in Barcelona. It is located at Ronda Universitat, 23, in the heart of the city, in an area of ​​maximum traffic. It is very close to the Humana store located at 19 of this same street. Both establishments are complementary and make it possible to offer a wider range for people interested in second-hand fashion.

The new point of sale is located in premises with a surface area of ​​500 square metres, although at the moment 210 square meters are open to the public.

The Foundation has 21 second-hand fashion stores in Barcelona and 45 in Spain. In 2021, the establishments managed to sell 5.8 million garments and accessories and registered nearly 2 million customers.

Second-hand fashion is a key vector on the path towards a more rational model for the textile industry. The consumer accumulates great power and an enormous capacity to improve the system with his daily decisions: what he buys, why he buys it, what environmental and social impact what he buys has.

One of the objectives of the opening of this new location is to bring secondhand fashion closer to all citizens, as a more accessible gateway to sustainable fashion. In this sense, the young public is essential today, since it shows an increasing interest in second-hand fashion, and forms a very important potential market.

In addition, this group is gradually becoming more aware of the protection of the environment through the reuse of textiles; Thanks to its purchases, the Foundation can carry out international cooperation programs for development in Africa, Latin America and Asia and local support in Spain.

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Humana opens a new vintage fashion store in Barcelona-img1
Humana opens a new vintage fashion store in Barcelona-img2