Promotion of the right to quality education for all children in Guinea-Bissau


Phase II of the project which  ensure that public and private actors involved in the education system get to know in detail the education guidelines promoted by the Government of Guinea Bissau concluded in March; as they know and understand in detail the educational system, public and private actors can apply these guidelines and collaborate in the improvement of the system.

This second phase has been funded by Civil Society in Development CISU and was implemented together with the Organização Guineense de Desenvovimento OGD byUFF-Humana People to People.

From 2015 to 2016, phase I of the project -also funded by CISU- was carried out by UFF-Humana People to People. A case study regarding the level of knowledge of civil society regarding the national education system was elaborated. The above mentioned case study concluded that the knowledge in general was very poor. From there, a series of recommendations were proposed to reverse this situation during the second phase of the project.

The essential goals of this project have been:

1. To promote the right to quality education for all children in Guinea-Bissau through a North-South partnership.

2. To increase the level of knowledge of the national education system by civil society through the dissemination of the regulatory framework, policies, strategies and programs in the education sector, particularly in primary education.

3. To strengthen the capacity of civil society in the demand for inclusive and quality education in Guinea-Bissau, with the appropriation of the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and with the increase in the degree of knowledge of the role they should play as a vital force in the development process.

In order to reach those goals, 250 teachers from the province of Bafata, 150 young students from Bafata and Cacheu, 125 women from different community associations, 30 religious leaders and other civil society actors have been involved in the project.

In addition, thanks to radio shows more than 185,000 people in Bafata and more than 200,000 people in Cacheu have received information about the importance of education as a fundamental right and the capacity of civil society to promote a quality education system.

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