China: The fight against climate change, told in the first person (II)


Beyond the awareness-raising actions framed in the EU HPP Yunnan Low Carbon Schools pilot project, other types of specific activities have been launched since 2020, ranging from calculating the carbon footprint of the schools involved to installing panels. solar. Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo carries out this project in collaboration with several local organizations and EU funding.

Mao Yueqiang Director, Campus Facilities Maintenance Center, Logistic Group, Southwet Forestry University explains that 'through the project 440,000 rmb (56,000 euros) have been invested for the construction of solar panels on the roof of our school. They occupy 720 square meters of surface and generate 200,000 kWh of electricity per year. After three years of hard work we have managed to reduce our emissions per capita by more than 20%.

The calculation of emissions and carbon footprint is another important aspect of the project. For this reason, the team made a 'Carbón weekly recorder' available to schools, through which a database has been built with the carbon footprint of different organizations. Those that have achieved the best figures have gradually been distinguished as 'Low Carbon Schools'.

Liu Xi, Project Manager, assures that 'we started from very ambitious objectives and after three years of implementation and joint effort alongside the participating schools and people, we can affirm that we have overcome numerous challenges and difficulties. We started from a zero scenario and the achievements have been multiple. I hope that more and more centers and people use the tools developed to continue achieving sustainable impact.

Michael Hermann, Representative of Humana People to People in China, states that 'we have invented an educational curriculum on climate change, which could be used by 100 million students throughout China, which would translate into a great positive impact. The challenge of climate change can only be solved with the participation of each and every member of society.

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China: The fight against climate change, told in the first person (II)-img3