Advancing the right to quality education for all children in Guinea Bissau


Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are a living force of Guinea-Bissau, and have contributed to the implementation of public policies and advocacy for human rights since the political opening in 1991.

These CSOs actively intervene within the communities in strategic development sectors such as protection of children's fundamental rights, education being a privileged sector for its impact for the country's development. To face the challenges on ensuring quality and inclusive education for all, education partners organize dialogue spaces to strengthen their institutional capacity and align strategies to contribute with effective and efficient solutions.

In this context, UFF-Humana’s has just started the implementation of the "Advancing the right to quality education for all children in the fragile state of Guinea-Bissau through a North-South partnership - Step II - Implementation of the main 2016 Diagnostic Report recommendations" project, under CISU’s Civil Society Fund, encouraging North-South partnership for capacity building of Local CSOs and advocacy reinforcement for quality and inclusive education for all.

The project is the continuation and further development of a previous effort founded by the Civil Society in Development CISU, successfully implemented (2015-2016) with UFF-Humana People to People as North partner and Organização Guineense de Desenvovimento OGD as South partner.

The first intervention produced a Diagnostic Report as result of the identification of all CSOs working in the education sector (CSO-ED) in the country, debates, analysis and active dialogue including the Education Authorities, on possible solutions for the main identified challenges. The Diagnosis was publicly presented, resulting in recommendations for solutions and strategies to fill the gaps in access to and supply of quality education in Guinea-Bissau.

Among the 15 challenges identified by the Diagnostic Report, number 9 identifies that the majority of the education actors/managers, both public and private, do not know nor apply the main education guidelines, standards and legal instruments available.

The same challenge was identified by other actors (WB, UNICEF, GPE and the Ministry of Education-MEN, amongst others) as one of the main priorities for the National Education Authorities. As information and knowledge dissemination is a basic condition for the application of the existing framework, the 9th challenge was strategically chosen by OGD and UFF-Humana, in consultation with the National Authorities, to be addressed in this follow-up initiative.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To promote the right to quality education for all children in Guinea-Bissau through a North-South partnership.
  • To implement the main recommendations from the Diagnostic Report on education sector, by disseminating the regulatory framework, policies, strategies and programmes in primary education.
  • To strengthen CSO capacity to demand for quality and inclusive education.
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