Vigente en la actualidad
Activities scope
Infectious diseases

ADPP Guinea Bissau, in collaboration with the National Secretariat of Luta AIDS (SNLS) has implemented this program to involve vulnerable young people in the country access to their first job. With the participation of Foundation staff training activities were established by counting and working with expert professionals in their own localities of the participants, to avoid the monetary cost and travel time. This has been a great participation and direct monitoring of their subsequent evolutions in the labor market.

During 2011 the advocacy, information and awareness activities  have continued to achieve nefarious behavior change in this area, and the distribution of contraceptives in 700 communities Oio Regions, Screen, Bafata and Gabu, but at the same time has begun directed to a specific line anti-TB, with 175 community leaders in service since 2010.

2010 Total Cost of the Project: 17,263 €

2011 Total Cost of the Project: 17,541 €

2012 Total Cost of the Project: 10,955 €    

Own funds