Vigente en la actualidad
Activities scope
Agricultural and rural development

Having fertile land and labor to work it is sometimes insufficient for performance to ensure agricultural self-sufficiency, the provision of community and generating surpluses for marketing. 

That is why farmers must mobilize for their progress, in this case, by farmer groups. These groups promote training and information on agricultural product diversification, new sources of revenue generation, negotiating better prices or access to new markets. 

The activities carried out in 2013 have included the production of natural fertilizers, building pigsties, raising chickens or building ponds to store water for irrigation. The Farmers' Club, are also the framework for the implementation of other measures to promote the improvement of living conditions, incorporating aspects such as health, nutrition and education. 

A total of 1,200 farmers have participated, although the number of people who have benefited indirectly from the development of the project is about 6,400.

We were put into operation a thousand rainwater tanks provide irrigation allowing 600 farmers.

2011 Total Cost of the Project: 21,768 €

2013 Total Cost of the Project: € 7,524

Own funds